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Pain Care You Wear. Results guaranteed or your money refunded!

ThermoFlow® FIR products are scientifically developed to absorb Far-infrared rays (FIR) and reflect them through the skin. Far-infrared rays naturally penetrate into tissues to increase cellular functioning which:


  • increases enzyme activity,
  • flushes out toxins,
  • decreases pain and inflammation,

ThermoFlow® products provide pain relief due to arthritis, sports injuries and the stiffness and soreness related to aging. These products are a safe, natural alternative or complement to traditional medicine.

ThermoFlow® health products have been clinically tested as improved blood circulation clothing at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Science Centre. These tests were performed at the University of Toronto by Dr. Gordon Ko and Dr. David Berbrayer in the division of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Their clinical trials found that the products are 90% effective for pain relief. Results were published in the August 2002 issue of Alternative Medicine Review.

ThermoFlow® health products come in a variety of comfortable garments as well as elastic support bands for the arm, leg or waist. ThermoFlow® clothing is worn next to the skin and is easy to maintain. Garments, gloves and socks may be worn by themselves or underneath regular clothing. The secret of ThermoFlow® is its ability to generate warmth from the bio-ceramic particles (at the nano scale) which are bonded to and remain part of the health products’ fabric forever. ThermoFlow® health products will continue to radiate healthful Far-infrared rays for the life of the item.

 What are Bio-Ceramics?

The ceramics used in the ThermoFlow® fabrics and materials are made up of a special formula of natural, lead-free stones and minerals (like Silica Oxide). These ceramics emit Far-infrared rays (FIR).


What are Far-infrared Rays?

Sunlight consists of different wave lengths of light. When combined they produce the “white light” that we experience every day. Infrared light is in this spectrum’s lower range, and although its rays aren’t visible to the eye, it generates the warmth we feel on bright sunny days. Infrared rays vary in wavelengths, and are categorized as near Infrared, Mid-infrared and Far-infrared. While these rays share the attributes listed below, they are most noticeable in far infrared waves.



  • Radiation: Infrared rays radiate or spread from a localized source.
  • Penetration: Unlike visible light, Infrared rays can deeply penetrate skin and the underlying tissues up to 1.5 to 2.8 inches (approx. 3.75 – 7 cm).
  • Resonance: Infrared rays naturally generate heat by causing the body’s molecules to rapidly vibrate against each other.

 How will I know if the Far-infrared is working for me?

Some people will notice positive improvement, such as less pain, swelling, more flexibility and more energy within a few hours or days of wearing FIR clothing. For others, the changes may be more subtle and take a bit longer. Everyone will respond slightly differently to the benefits of the FIR energy.

 What if I don’t feel anything?

You may not feel anything when you first start wearing FIR clothing. Not to worry. What you “feel” will vary depending on your level of health, how often you wear the product, how long you have had the condition or ailment, and your daily habits and routine. If you do not “feel” anything, your body may be healthier than others in which case, using ThermoFlow® products will still provide the benefits of long term preventative therapy.


Just a note to let you know the results of wearing the gloves which you sent me a few months ago… I now have a level of comfort which allows me to work and not even be aware of any disability. At first I wore them night and day but now I just wear them at night and at times when I feel the discomfort coming back. This is such a wonderful product and has given me tremendous relief and I recommend it whole heartedly to anyone who suffers from pain in joints.

Helen J. – Surrey, BC


I have osteoarthritis of the left knee and require a total joint replacement. I am currently wearing your ThermoFlow® infrared knee band. In a matter of days my knee has improved considerably and the pain has been greatly reduced. I just wanted to thank you for a great product.

Alice T. – La Mesa, CA


I would just like to thank you for your wonderful products. I recently purchased the Shoulder Cover, as I was unable to unload my dishwasher, put my coat on, and basically I couldn’t do anything that required me to lift my arms or to carry anything. I am now pain free and able to do many things which I couldn’t before. My many thanks and continued success with your wonderful products

Yours sincerely,

Rosemarie A.


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